Ever wanted to have an Ermi Device in your Physical Therapy Clinic?
Now you can!
Purchase an Ermi Knee Flexionater and Extensionater to own in your clinic. Purchase options are credit card or invoice.
Already have a DME license? Stock and bill the Ermi Knee Flexionater and Extensionater to increase revenue.
You can now lease the Ermi Knee Flexionater and spread payments out over 24 or 36 months with NO interest.
Having an Ermi Knee Flexionater in your clinic can be the perfect way for patients to accelerate their post-op recovery as well as supplement clinic revenue by adding a daily Flexionater use package to their standard 2-3x/week treatment.
Robert Pruden PT.
Cert, MDT, ECS Bluegrass Ortho Physical Therapy and Sports Med